Lot n° 39
Estimation :
200 - 250
Succession of the CARDINALS OF BOURBON-VENDÔME, Archbishops - Lot 39
Succession of the CARDINALS OF BOURBON-VENDÔME, Archbishops of ROUEN. Extract from the registers of Messieurs les Commissaires ordonnés par le Roy sur le Fait des successions de défunts messieurs les Cardinaux de BOURBON, Oncle et neveu derniers décédés, dated May 13, 1600 (Charles 1er de BOURBON, Archbishop of ROUEN (1523-1590) and his nephew CHARLES II DE Bourbon, Archbishop of ROUEN, also known as Cardinal de Vendôme (1562-1594). On the petition presented by Marie GOHIER Widow of the late Jacques TISSART Vivant Marchand pourvoyeur (Food Provider) of the late Monseigneur le Cardinal de BOURBON Uncle, both in his own name and on behalf of his heirs. It is ordered to pay the TISSARD heirs the sum of 6900 Livres to be taken from the Clergy of Provence and Avignon. Vellum (22 x 43 cm), with seal under paper.
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